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Work Your Database

Your database is the most important tool, and the best database is one you’re personally going to use every day. Most disgruntled Arizona real estate agents believe that Internet leads are not good. This is because many leads are not ready to buy an AZ home right now. However, agents keep paying for leads from many popular sites like;

These leads are actually quality leads, however, you have to work your database every day! Move away from the mindset of thinking that these leads are going to make you fast money and focus on nurturing all leads. There will be the occasional lead that is ready now, but many are future clients. I have found that about 6% of your online leads will be ready to buy or list now.

Therefore, if you nurture these leads from the start, I promise that you will end up with a great future business. So don't ever stop trying to make a good impression by providing relevant content that shows your value as a trusted Arizona real estate agent. Then, when they are ready, you will be on the top of their minds.

Remember your database is the most important tool in your real estate career. Here are some suggestions that I currently use:

  • Top Producer
  • Market Leader
  • BoomTown
  • WiseAgent
  • SalesForce

It is imperative to choose a system that automatically nurtures those leads and has a website that is connected. Look for a solution that works FOR you, not just with you. Don’t label viable leads as “bad” because it’s difficult to consistently nurture them or to know the most opportune time to call. All leads are good and keep them in your database. You never know when they will call.

Call us today at 602-942-4200