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Top 3 Things to Keep From Being Sued

So you have been in the AZ real estate business for a while, or maybe you just received your real estate license. And you wonder….. What are some things I can do to so that I won’t be sued?

As you might guess, there are lots of things that will help reduce your risk of being sued, but here are the Top 3, courtesy of attorney Rick Mack, the Arizona Association of Realtors Broker Legal Hotline.

  1. Pick Your Clients Well! We have all had that person that, when we first met, we sensed that they were going to be difficult to work with. Believe your intuition. If your sense is that these potential clients have unrealistic expectations, are difficult, litigious, or just plain not nice people, you do not have to work with them. Choosing your client carefully does not permit you to discriminate, but it does make your AZ real estate career much more enjoyable when you choose correctly. And you can sleep better at night, knowing you are less likely to be sued.
  1. Treat Your Clients Well! The statistics prove that having a good bedside manner with your clients reduces the risk of you being sued over a transaction. As difficult as it may be at times, and even though your clients or fellow REALTORS® may not reciprocate, always be courteous and respectful. Being respectful and courteous is easier to do if you follow number 1, so pick your clients well and then treat them well.
  1. Be a Good Technician! We all begin our real estate career with only the very basic knowledge and understanding of the business. Strive to get better with each transaction you do. Study your craft. Learn the little nuances. The better technician you become, the less likely you are to be sued and the more successful your career will be.

At West USA Realty, we take provide in offering our real estate agents the very best in training and broker support. Our goal is to provide each agent with the necessary tools to ensure every transaction is completed properly and that our agents are building clients for life. Call us today at 602-942-4200 and speak to one of our corporate recruiters for more information.