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3 Hot Topics from C. Dale Hillard, Designated Broker

Number One: Thanks to all of you who voted for our West USA Realty Members who were successful in their respective campaigns for elected positions with the Associations and ARMLS. We are proud that several of our members are willing to devote their time and effort to these worthy organizations. Thanks also to those of you who supported our members with your respective votes. Each of our associations have dedicated personnel that devote their time and wisdom to support our real estate community and seek to enhance the professionalism that each enjoys. May their tribe increase.

Number Two: Please, please do not fail to EXCHANGE your old Supra lockbox for the new (more expensive) Supra lockbox. The DEADLINE for this exchange is October 17th (Saturday). It makes no sense to miss this fair-exchange. What could be better than trading in an old for a new? The Supra lockbox is a great system for our members in both the listing side as well as the buyer side of our business. Don’t miss this opportunity. (At last count there was still some 50,000 boxes still unaccounted for, believe it or not!)

Number Three: I heard a new quote the other day that I would like to pass on to you...and encourage you to give some careful consideration to your 2016 Goal Setting and Business Planning. While, all around us we see changes taking place in everything we do...computers, lap tops, cell phones, electronic devises of all kinds...we are seeing new things take place among agents in the industry as well. Many are being “left-behind-because-of-technology”...while others are being left behind because of “lack-of-communication-skills.” .... so, take a very close look at how you are “blending” these skills to a mutual benefit to our clients (both sellers and buyers) (OKAY, as well as the other agent in the transaction, not to mention the vendors----escrow officers, lenders, home inspectors, home warranty representatives, etc.) Do any of you remember the old “Peter Principle?” It used to state that “20% are making 80% of the money.” (Do you remember that?) Well, I understand that someone is now reporting that “20% of the 20% are now making 80% of the money.” Well, listen up, ... if that is so, what are you doing with your Personal Goals and Planning? It is time to focus and make your dynamic plans for 2016. So, with a rack of new lockboxes, a great new leadership group in our associations and a fine cast of players at ARMLS, all we need now is for you to accelerate your own business and make 2016 yours for the taking. Call us today at 602-942-4200